
The Suhba Seminary

Transformative education, inside out.

Why the Suhba Seminary?

Because we were created to enjoy an experiential relationship with Allah and His Messenger , transform our inner character (akhlaq), and live a life of true freedom and noble happiness.

How does the Seminary realize its vision?

Through a unique, carefully designed multi-year curriculum that holistically integrates knowledge (‘ilm), practice (‘amal), mentorship and fellowship (suhba), and applied life-learning.

What does a graduate look like?

Possesses a high Spirituality Quotient (SQ), understands Islam as not being but becoming, has refined character (akhlaq), practices what he or she knows, and navigates modern life safely with a rational and spiritual compass.

What is the Suhba Seminary?

The legacy of Shaykh Mokhtar Maghraoui, a scholar thoroughly versed in Islamic and secular knowledge, with a lifetime of experience in learning, practicing, teaching, counselling and mentoring. 

Who is a Student?

Everyone. The Seminary’s unique learning streams offer flexible and customized learning. Whatever your level of commitment, we have a stream designed to ensure you maximize your learning and growth.

May the sacred knowledge that you find here — and, most importantly, the practice of this knowledge — assist you to polish and purify your heart

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The Seminary offers up to a 5-year, unique, carefully designed curriculum that transforms a student from the inside-out.

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